Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas 2010

The "Carter" Family
Isn't this a great looking bunch!?!?

The Hanna Family
Our Precious Rory

Our Sweet Abby

Christmas Twins
(I love this picture!)

My wonderful hubby and I
(This is our first professional picture together since our wedding)

Christmas Cousins

Mom, Dad and their "big kids" :)

Mimi, Papa and their precious grandkiddos

We are having a wonderful time gearing up for Christmas this year! It's so fun having two little ones who are so excited about the upcoming festivities. We've already started all of the Christmas parties and fun traditions. The girls are so interested in understanding everything that is going on. They ask about the lights, the music, the decorations and about Jesus. It is just amazing to watch them enjoy everything about this season! We had some family pictures made with my family this last weekend. It is so nice to have pictures of our entire family together! The girls had fun showing off their princess dresses and Braxton had fun showing off his princesses!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Our New Little Girl

A week ago, November 22, Michael and I went to my doctor to find out if we are expecting a little girl or a little boy. After chasing our little peanut around for a while, we found out that we are expecting another beautiful baby girl!! Michael and I couldn't be more excited!! The sonogram technician told us that she is healthy and VERY active. We actually thought that we weren't going to get to find out whether to decorate in pink or blue until our little bundle arrived because they had so much trouble getting a clear look at her. Imagine, Michael and I having an active child. LOL. All of her measurements looked wonderful and there is every indication that she is perfect in every way! Today, I hit the half-way point of my pregnancy. How on earth can that be possible? It just seems like yesterday that Michael and I found out that we were going to be adding to our family. Now, we only have a few more months until our newest bundle arrives!! The girls are so excited about having a baby sister. Rory makes a point to talk to her new sister every single day. Abby thinks it's a little weird to talk to Mommy's tummy, but she gives in every once in a while. As a family, we decided that our new little girl's name will be Madelynne Ranae. It's a name that all of us like... even the girls. So, in a few months, we will be welcoming our little Maddy into our family!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

It's been too Long

Abby and Daddy on the 30 ft. hay tower
Rory showing off how big she is this Fall
Headed into the corn maze
Rory searching for the perfect pumpkin
Headed back on the hay ride
Abby loved the hay ride
The girls are so proud of their pumpkins
Our Pumpkin Family
Rory was so proud of the sun that she made in Puggles

Abby painting her picture with an apple

Rory getting ready to paint. It's her favorite thing to do at church!!

"Puggles sit so very still,
When they bow their head to pray.
(That's the girls' Puggles song that they sing in class each week)

The girls being silly in class

Abby showing off her carrot

Happy Rory

Big Abby smiles

The Puggles class

Miss Amber helping the kiddos make peanut butter bird feeders

We have been busy here lately at the Hanna house. Michael and I joke that we see each other as he runs out the door to work in the morning and as we fall in bed at night (both of us usually asleep before our heads can hit the pillow). The girls keep us busy, busy, busy. Between gymnastics and church, I feel like we never slow down, but it's been great!!

The girls are still super enthusiastic about gymnastics. They start asking about 4 days before gymnastics day if it's time to go or not. They absolutely love it!! One of their teachers came to me a few weeks ago and discussed with me the possibility of splitting the girls into two separate classes. She was concerned that Rory's "larger than life" personality might be overshadowing Abby just a little. I agreed to try it out for a few weeks to see how things went. Michael and I have been amazed at the changes in Abby. She usually relies so much on Rory to take the lead, but this has forced her into a situation where she has to make her own decisions and be her own person, not just Rory's shadow. She has become more outgoing in gymnastics, at home and at church. The teacher spoke to me again here recently and told me that she is so pleased with Abby's progress. She has started taking the lead on some activities and is one of the first to volunteer in new situations. Rory, of course, just wants to be the center of attention no matter who is in the class with her. LOL. I guess this solved the question that Michael and I had about whether or not to put them in the same class once they get to school. Both girls are flourishing in their gymnastics class. It makes me nervous when I see them doing flips, walking on the balance beam and swinging on bars hanging from the ceiling, but the instructors are always there and the girls love every single minute of it. Of course, every piece of furniture in our house has become a gymnastics station, but that's alright. At least they know how to properly fall now. LOL.

The girls are also doing wonderful at church. They go to their Sunday School class on Sunday mornings and to their Puggles class on Wednesday nights. Puggles is a group through the AWANA program at our church that helps kids learn about the Bible and memorize verses. They are both doing so well in both classes. Their teachers compliment them on how much they are able to retain from the lessons and stories. Michael and I love when they come home and teach us the newest songs that they have learned in class. It's amazing to us what vibrant little girls they are becoming. (One of their teachers took the pictures of them in class).

Last weekend, we took the girls to the local Pumpkin Patch with a group from our church. We went last year and the girls loved it so much. They had an even better time this year because they were big enough to participate in more of the activities. While we were there, a local new crew was doing a story on how to pick the perfect pumpkin. They thought the girls were too cute and followed them around for a bit to get some good shots of them picking out pumpkins. They were actually on the news that evening and were so excited to see themselves on tv. LOL. We had such a good time. Both girls loved the cow barrel train, the jumping pillow, the ducky derby races, the "Texas Sized" volleyball, the 75 ft. slides, the hayride, and the pumpkin patch. Abby even took a stab at climbing the 30 ft. hay tower. She took off and Michael had to climb as fast as he could to catch up with her. There's that confidence... LOL. The highlight of the day, however, was picking the pumpkins from the pumpkin patch. Michael and I were so tickled watching Rory and Abby go from pumpkin to pumpkin trying to find the very best one. We were in the patch for a good 30-45 minutes while they made their selections. It was a fun day, but we were all exhausted when we got home that afternoon. The next evening, we sat in the front yard and carved our pumpkins. Michael and I thought that they were too young last year to carve their pumpkins, but we decided to try it this year. We let them pick out the face that they wanted and draw the hair on the pumpkins and then Michael and I did the actual carving. The girls were so excited to have their very own pumpkins!! They go to our front porch every day and say hello to our "punkin family." We plan to take them trick-or-treating on Sunday. They are so much fun this year!!

Michael and I are starting to make some room for baby #3. This last summer, we converted our extra room (which had been used for Michael's office) into a playroom for the girls. Now, we are working to turn that room into a nursery. Nothing like redoing a room twice in the span of a year. LOL. The girls are a little nervous about what is happening to their toy room, but they have really taken the changes so far in stride. We are trying to do a little at a time so that they don't feel like we are just pushing them aside for the new baby. We have also enlisted their help in some things, so they can feel like they are part of the excitement of getting ready for baby, too. There are days that they seem very excited about having a baby brother or sister and then some days not so much. They have a ton of questions, but it's fun to watch them try to figure this whole thing out. One of my favorite questions so far has to be when Abby and I were talking about the baby one night. She said, "Mama, is that baby in your tummy?" I told her, "yes." She got a very confused look on her face and said, "Mama, why'd you eat that baby?" I just about couldn't keep a straight face as we discussed that God put the baby in Mommy's tummy. I didn't eat the baby. I think they are going to love being big sisters!! We will be able to find out in a little less than a month if we are expecting a boy or a girl. I can't believe how fast this pregnancy seems to be flying by. It's amazing!!

Well, I think that's all that's going on right now. Like I said before, we've been so busy here lately that it feels like we are running in circles sometimes. I'll try to do better on my blog posts, but I make no promises.

Monday, September 13, 2010


In this video, Abby is running and trying to hit the ball hanging from the ceiling with her head. It helps to teach them timing and coordination!!

Here's Rory's attempt at hitting the ball. I thought it was so funny that she has to "ready" herself each time before taking off running. LOL

In this video, Rory, Abby and another girl from their class are chasing a ball that is hanging from the ceiling. This helps with timing, coordination and teamwork. All of the kiddos loved this activity!!

Turn your head sideways.... Now you can see!! In this video, Abby is walking a "balance beam" that is made out of a pvc pipe. The rounded edges of the pipe make them have to correct their balance repeatedly. This will help them learn to correct their balance before they get on the taller beams.

Keep your head turned.... In this video, Rory is tackling the pvc balance beam, as well.

These videos were taken this morning at the girls' gymnastics class. In the first two videos, the girls are running and hitting a ball. This activity helps to teach them timing and rhythm. In the third video, the girls (along with another little girl from their class) are chasing a ball. This activity helps them to learn timing, coordination and team-work. In the last two videos, the girls are walking on a balance beam. It's a little hard to see and you have to turn your head sideways to see the video, but they are walking along a pvc pipe tube. This helps them to learn balance and how to correct if they start to fall. While in their class, they also do work on trampolines, climbing walls, mat work and flips. The girls are enjoying their gymnastics so much!! I really believe that this class is excellent for them!! This morning, they went into their class all by themselves and were not bothered at all that Mommy wasn't in there with them (there is a small room behind the class with a window so that the parents can watch). I think it bothered me more than it did them... LOL. We are so proud of the progress that they have already made in their class and know that they are going to do so well throughout the rest of the year!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Exciting News

Well, things have gotten very exciting in the Hanna household over the past couple of weeks. About two weeks ago, Michael and I found out that we expecting baby number three!! My official due date (as of right now) is April 18, 2011. Of course, we all know that the baby will come when he/she is good and ready. LOL. There is no way that we could be more excited!! We have tried to explain to the girls that in a few months they will both be big sisters. Rory has decided that she wants a sister. Abby has decided that there is no need for another sister since "I alweddy got a siser!" I don't know if that means she wants a brother or if she thinks we have plenty of kids around here already. There's just no telling with that little girl!! :)

The girls are both doing fabulous!! Abby hasn't had any health problems at all here lately. I think that we finally found the solution and that the sleep apnea medication is helping her more and more every day. We will go in for a weight check next week to check her out and see how she is doing. Rory is just going as strong as ever. There are days that I just stand in awe at how she can just keep going and going without stopping. She's a busy little girl. Both girls are learning more and more everyday. Sometimes, they shock me with the things that they have learned and understand. They can both count to ten by themselves. Yesterday, Rory counted to twelve and then laughed at me when my mouth was just hanging open. They can also count to 100 by tens. They can both sing their ABC's and looooove to read books with Mommy and Daddy. I bet we read 50 books a day!! Abby's favorite book in the whole world right now is "I Love You Stinky Face." We have read it so much that she can recite every word on each page and then turn the page at the right point. I know that she's reciting the story, but it's almost like she's reading it. LOL. On August 30, the girls will both start gymnastics. They are so excited!! Both girls are little monkeys and climb all over the place. I think they are going to do fantastic in gymnastics. I just can't believe that they are old enough to be in a class. Where does the time go?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Crazy Life

Abby cheesin' in her Tink towel
Rory getting warm after her swimming lesson
Rory and Abby got a chance to take their swimming lesson class with their cousin, Emma.  The three girls had such a good time swimming together.
Abby climbing out of the pool all by herself.  Note that her Daddy isn't too far behind her, though.
Big Abby Cheesy
That's one proud Daddy
I debated on whether or not to share this particular picture, but decided that it displays perfectly how Rory makes me feel around water.  LOL
Rory was so excited that her Grandad got a chance to come watch her swim.  She hasn't stopped talking about it yet. :)
Rory waving to her audience
Look at Abby swimming!!!
Daddy's ready for Rory to jump

The Hanna family waiting to get in the pool
Michael walking with Emma, Rory and Abby to the park.  What a great guy!!
After swimming lessons, we took the girls (all three) to the park so that they could have time to play together.  Each day, we had a picnic and then played until it was time to go home for naps.  We all had such a great time!!
Abby Hanna, Rory Hanna and Emma Hassell.... Cousins
Emma is one month older than the girls.  They love spending time together.
Abby riding the bumblebee
Rory riding a Toucan
Rory loved playing in the "FO" (UFO) at the park
One of our little monkeys
Sister Fun

Wow, I can't believe that it's been a month since my last post. Life has gotten so crazy around the Hanna house that I don't know where to begin.

The girls are doing wonderful. We took Abby in last week for a weight check and found out that she has gained almost 1 1/2 lb. in four weeks!! She now weighs 24.6 lbs!! We are so excited that she is doing better. The doctors have concluded that she has obstructive sleep apnea. Her adenoids are larger than normal and cause her trouble breathing when she is sleeping. Because she has trouble breathing, her body wakes her up so that she gets enough air. So, she hasn't been getting the proper amount of sleep and that has messed up the chemistry of her entire little body. Her pediatrician put her on a medication to help shrink her adenoids at night and it has worked wonders for her!! She is sleeping. She is eating better. She is gaining weight. She hasn't been sick. Her vocabulary has exploded. She is coming out of her shell. She's just a whole new Abby!! We can tell that she is feeling 100% better!! What a blessing!! Rory is doing well, as usual. She is a mess. We never quite know what she is going to do or say. She is a very impulsive child with so many ideas running through her head all at the same time. She keeps us on our toes.

For the past week, the girls have been attending swimming lessons at the local university. They have had a blast getting to go swimming every day. The class is intended to teach the kiddos (ages 6 months to 3 years) basic water safety and basic swimming techniques. The girls both quickly mastered getting in and out of the pool and were ready to move on to the task of learning to swim. Rory has picked up the basics so fast. Abby has discovered that she loves putting her face in the water. LOL. Many times, the instructors have just shaken their heads because they don't know exactly what to do with the girls. They are both ready to go every day. I think this was the perfect class for them. I know that they are both going to miss it, but it's been a good week. As a fun end to the swimming lessons, the swim instructors turned on the 20 ft. tall water slide today so that the kids (along with their parents) could try out the slide.  The girls loved going down the slide!!  Michael and I are so glad that the girls have picked up on the water safety aspect of the class so quickly. We want to ensure that the girls are as safe as possible around water and this is the best way we could do that.

Michael and I decided that it was about time to really hit the potty training hard at our house. Frankly, we're tired of changing diapers. It does get pretty old after a while. Especially with two. With all of Abby's health issues, we have been lax about potty training. Since Abby is doing so much better and Michael is still off for the summer, we decided that now would be the perfect time to really get serious about potty training. The girls have shown every sign of being ready, so, about a week ago, we got out the "big girl" panties and started training. We have been amazed at how fast they are picking it up. We have actually had a few days that were accident free!! Of course, we are not having them sleep in panties yet, but there have been mornings that they have woken up dry. We are so proud of the progress that both girls are making!! It won't be long until the Hanna house is a diaper free zone!!