The journey into teething has begun at the Hanna house. This last weekend, Memorial Day weekend, we noticed that the girls were drooling all over the place and chewing on anything they could get their little hands on (including their hands). We feared that the teething time was swiftly approaching and it has hit full-force. Between low-grade fevers, massive amounts of drool, swollen gums and irritability, we have gotten little done in the last few days. I feel so helpless right now. I wish that I could make our precious angels feel better, but little seems to help for any significant amount of time. My mom assures me that it will get better and that this too shall pass. Tonight, though, we did have a small victory on the teething front. Rory's front right tooth has started to poke through her little gums!!! Right now we can just barely feel the edge of it, but we are excited for her all the same!! None of Abby's teeth are through yet, but they are definitely working in that direction. Before too long we will have bonified chewers on our hands!!
This last week, my mom and I went through the girls' clothes to pack up everything that is too small for them now. The girls, of course, helped. I never knew it would be so hard to pack away my children's clothes. I know it's stupid, but I really have become attached to several pieces of their clothing and can't bare the thought that they have gotten too big to wear them. The preemie clothes that they came home from the hospital in and the clothes that I had written Abigail's name in for her while she was in NICU really got to me for some silly reason. I was just a pile of sentimental goo. Of course, I'm keeping every stitch of clothing that they have worn for now. I'm sure I'll have to get rid of some of it someday, but today is not that day.
On Saturday, we had the girls' pictures taken at Family Photo. That was a new and exciting experience!! The photographer that we had was awesome with the girls and we plan to use her for their 6 , 9 and 12 month pictures as well!! We were so proud of Aurora and Abigail!! They both sat/laid still for the photographer and only got irritated at us when they had messy diapers. I was actually very pleasantly surprised since our appointment was in the middle of their normal afternoon nap time. We also had our first family pictures taken. That was a new experience as well. We got some great pictures and I'm excited to share them as soon as we get them ordered and back.
The girls also had a fun new outing on Monday. Daddy and Mommy took them out to eat at a restaurant for the first time in their little lives. Some good friends of ours, John and Jennifer
Merriss, asked us to go eat with them and their son. Michael and I decided to be brave and take the girls out to eat. Of course, everyone in the restaurant told us how beautiful they are and asked about having twins. The girls just sat back and took it all in!! They were so good!! We have been truly blessed with good tempered babies!!
We hope that everyone is doing well!! Enjoy!!