Look at those big girls sitting up all by themselves!!
Welcome to the fun and crazy life of the Hanna family!!
In this video, Abby is sitting with her Mimi Cinda while Mimi is drinking a coke. Like I have said before, both Abby and Rory are extremely interested in what everyone around them is eating or drinking. Abby tries so hard throughout this video to get Mimi Cinda's coke. We got so tickled at her. She did this until my mom got finished her coke. This video is about a month old, but I just got it uploaded onto my computer today. I'm a little behind.
In this video, Rory and her Daddy are playing peek-a-boo. Daddy is hiding behind the front door and then poking his head around. Rory thinks this is too funny!! We love her little laugh!! I think that this video is about a month old as well. I'll get some newer videos posted as soon as I can get them onto my computer. Enjoy!!
This is a video of the girls playing on the floor together.It's fun to watch them roll around and play. This video was taken before either of the girls started to crawl. Yes, I'm a bit behind. I seem to be busy for some reason or another. :)
Rory is eating, but she is soooo tired. Her and her sister have played super hard all day long. So, Mommy went ahead and fed her (it was dinner time after all) while she was asleep. Rory just couldn't stay awake through the solid food or the bottle. It was so funny!! I guess that even sleeping doesn't take priority over eating!!
I'll try to get some more updated videos posted as soon as I can get them onto my computer. Enjoy!!
PS: This has been an exciting couple of days for little Miss Abby. Last night (after I posted my update, of course), Abby was crawling across the floor... stopped... and pushed herself into a sitting position like it was the most natural thing in the world. We were floored and so excited all at the same time!! All day today, she has been playing in the floor and then will just sit up like it's no big deal. When I went to get her up from her nap this afternoon, she was sitting in her crib with one hand on the railing. Rory has been checking out what her sister has been doing, so I don't think it will be too long before she has it figured out as well. It's amazing how fast they learn new things!!
Welcome to the fun and crazy life of the Hanna family!!