We had a wonderful Father's Day this year. Since we were getting ready for the girls' to have surgery the following Tuesday, we decided to keep them home and away from any potential germs at church. The girls decided to let their Daddy sleep in late that morning (until 10:30). We he got up, we gave him his Father's Day gifts and cards. The girls loved helping their Daddy open his presents and got excited when he got excited about the new Rangers baseball cap that he got to wear the the game or his choice that we gave him an "IOU" for. There was much excitement throughout the Hanna house that morning! We spent the remainder of the day visiting Grandad Hanna (Michael's dad), Great-Grandpa Brauchi (Michael's grandfather) and Papa (my Dad). We are so blessed to have so many wonderful men in our family!! The girls and I could never thank Michael for being such an awesome husband and father. There are no words to express what he does and means for our family!! The girls and I are extremely blessed to have him as such a big part of our lives. It was a very special day that we got a chance to share with Michael!! Ok... now that I'm crying... on with the post!
Tuesday morning the girls were admitted to the hospital to have tubes placed in their ears. This procedure has been a long time coming. In the last six months, the girls have had 17 ear infections between them. It was time to get something done!! Both girls were very brave and did very well during their procedure. Rory went into surgery at around 8:00 am and Abby followed close behind at 8:20 am. It was so nerve-racking to sit and wait while someone was working on our babies. Michael and I survived, though. When the nurses brought Rory back from recovery, she was fighting mad. She was kicking, screaming, punching and biting anyone within her reach. Apparently, she and the anesthesia they used did not agree with one another. Once we got her to the car, though, she was fine. Abby came out of surgery groggy and ready to have her parents. Both girls took it easy yesterday and slept on and off throughout the day. Today, they are up and going at 100% again! We have to be cautious about loud noises. Apparently, neither girl was hearing perfectly before the surgery, but the it has improved their hearing to the point that loud noises startle them pretty badly. Abby has also been talking our ears off since last night. She is a whole different child. It's amazing!! We are praying that this will put an end to the constant ear infections around here!!