Monday, April 19, 2010

Family Update

Abby loved the tractor
Rory wanted to climb straight to the top of the tractor
Look at how high she climbed all by herself
Braxton wanted to have his picture made too!!
Braxton posing in the tractor wheel
The girls playing in the sand
Braxton and Mason Freeman climbing to the top of the sand hill
Abby didn't like the sand between her fingers
Daddy playing in the sand with the girls
Abby wanted to climb to the top like the big kids
Daddy helped Abby to the top of a smaller hill
Then, Daddy had to rescue her... LOL
Off Rory goes and off Daddy goes trying to catch her... :)
Daddy and Rory high on the hill
"I don't want to come down!!!" ~Rory
Ethan Freeman, Mason Freeman, Braxton, Abby and Rory all riding in the mule.  They had so much fun together!
My handsome hubby
Abby off to explore
Off they go down the road
Always together

My Grandma Jeanie, Aunt Montie and Aunt Ann

Everything has been going pretty well at the Hanna house.  We are really enjoying the warmer and rainy weather around here.  It's nice to not have snow every  other day.  We were beginning to think we were going to have to dig out from the snow for the rest of our lives.

The girls are still growing by leaps and bounds and shocking us every single day with what they come up with.  They are constantly telling us stories.  It's too funny what they come up with sometimes.  Michael and I laugh all the time.  :)  Abby is our little "witness for the state" (thank you John and Jenny for putting a name to it).  She will tell me everything that happens while I am out.  She does the same for Daddy.  We get a run-down of everything.  We have been working on getting the girls to dial my number if they need me while I'm gone and to dial Daddy's number if they need him while he's not at home.  That way, they can get help if something happens while just one of us is at home with them.  Rory called me one night during my Mothers of Multiples meeting to let me know that Daddy made her sit in time-out and she was not happy about it.  I guess even the best laid plans can backfire from time to time.  Both girls are doing really well with their alphabet and learning how to count.  Rory thinks that it's so much fun to count backwards.  When I ask her to count she says "five, four, three, two, one." She can count forward, but just prefers to do it backwards... silly girl.  We have also been working on colors with the girls.  They are both doing really well with telling us their different colors!!  We have such smart little girls!!

Things with Abby have been going much better.  The doctor had us give Abby melatonin at night before she goes to bed.  It helps her relax and sleep better at night.  Since then, Abby has gained almost a pound and is not getting sick as much.  She still gets sick some nights, but not nearly as often.  Praise the Lord!!  We have an appointment to take her to a Pediatric Sleep Clinic in June.  At that time, they will test her to see if a sleep disorder is causing her difficulties.  We are also going to take her to see an ENT (ear, nose and throat doctor) to have her adenoids checked at the end of this month.  There is a possibility that her enlarged adenoids are giving her problems and causing her not to get enough rest.  We are hoping that we are close to an answer for our precious angel.  She is one of the toughest little girls that I have ever known.  She just faces each challenge and keeps on going.  What a trooper!!

Michael and I are doing well.  Michael is looking forward to the end of school.  He has 8 more weeks and then he's off for the summer!!  We are planning to do a little traveling and taking the girls to some different places we know that they will enjoy!!  We are going to Arkansas at the end of May for my cousin's wedding.  The girls are going to be flower-girls.  We are looking forward to seeing our family and having time to catch up.  We are planning a family trip with our good friends, the Merriss Family, to take the kids to the zoo and let the boys go to a Pro baseball game.  Then in July, we are going to try to get our family to the mountains to enjoy some time away.  All in all, I think we are going to have an exciting summer with many new adventures for the girls to enjoy!!  We are so thankful that we are going to get to spend this fun time together!!

~The pictures were taken at Goodnight, TX when we went there for a funeral.  The girls had a good time playing with their cousins and exploring the canyons.~

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Sunday

Aunt Shannie, Braxton, Abby and Rory at Church.  Aren't they a good looking group? :)

The backs of the girls' dresses
Rory in her pretty pink Easter dress
Abby in her pretty purple Easter dress
Rory calls this dress her "Prance-Around dress" (Princess)
Abby with her mounds of tulle
Pretty Abby
Rory looooves her dress
Pretty Rory
Our precious Easter angels
Great-Grandpa, Abby, Memaw and Rory
Uncle Richard Rory, Michael, Abby, Memaw and Great-Grandpa
(Four Generations)
Rory and Abby posing on Grandad and Mimi Sue's stairs
Look how pretty we look!!!
Our family 
(The girls were getting tired of pictures)
The Easter Bunny came to visit Rory while we were at church and left her goodies for her on her bed.
The Easter Bunny also came to visit Abby while we were at church.  He left her goodies on her bed, too.
"Look what I got!!" ~Rory
Abby checking out her Easter basket full of fun stuff
Rory was so excited about her new goodies
"OOh, What's this?" ~Abby
Rory getting Easter goodies from Mimi Cinda, Papa, Aunt Shannie, Braxton and Gigi.
Braxton was excited about the transformers Uncle Mike found for him for Easter
Abby showing off her "Alice in Wonderland" movie from Mimi Cinda and Papa
Time to hunt some eggs!!  Here they come!!
The girls hurrying to get eggs
Braxton is a master egg hunter
Gotta get the eggs
Yeah!!  Abby found an egg!! 
(And apparently some cheese balls that are all over her face)
Abby decided she needed to take a break from egg hunting to ride a bike
Rory was very serious about this egg hunting business
Another break for Abby
OOPS!!  She slipped out the bottom of the car
Rory found more eggs
"This bucket is getting heavy, but I won't give up!!!" ~Rory
Daddy trying to get Abby back on the egg hunting track
Aunt Shannie
Me and my Mommy
Rory realized that if she dumped the eggs back and forth, she could break them open to get the candy out of the middle.  She's too smart.
Braxton giving Abby a ride in the car
Daddy and his Rory
Uncle Mike and Braxton are great buds!!
I'm not sure this is supposed to be a two-seater
Daddy wuzzling his Abby
Ride like the Wind Rory
Off they go!!
Braxton practicing for T-Ball
Uncle Mike giving Braxton some T-ball lessons
A proud Uncle looking on

We had such a wonderful Easter Sunday this year.   The girls looked so adorable in their poofy Easter dresses!!  So many people stopped us at church to tell us how cute they looked and how they looked like little angels floating in their dresses.  We were pretty proud of our beautiful little girls!!  For one of their Easter presents, the girls got their very first "real" necklace.  Rory got a silver cross necklace and Abby got a gold cross necklace.  They were so proud of their necklaces!!  They felt like big girls getting to wear their "big girl" jewelry to church.  This Sunday was also a big day for the girls at church.  They promoted up to the next Sunday School class.  They had so much fun playing with their friends in their new class!!  They are growing up way too fast!!  Abby and Rory came home and told us that they learned about Jesus in their class.  I just can't believe how big they are getting.

After church, we made the rounds to visit family in town so that they could all see the girls in their beautiful Easter dresses.  We got a chance to see Great-Grandpa, Memaw, Uncle Richard, Grandad and Mimi Sue.  The girls had fun twirling and showing off their dresses.  When we got home from visiting, the girls discovered that the Easter bunny had come to visit them while they were at church (we thought this a better plan than before church so that we could actually get them out of the door... LOL).  The girls were so excited that the Easter bunny had brought them all sorts of goodies and left them on their beds for them.  After playing with their new toys and taking a much needed nap, we headed to my Grandmother's house for an evening of family and fun!!  We had dinner together, hunted Easter eggs with Braxton, and just had a fun evening together.  The girls got all sorts of goodies from Papa, Mimi Cinda, Aunt Shannie, Braxton and Gigi.  

Braxton and Uncle Mike also spent a good chunk of the afternoon/evening practicing T-ball.  Braxton is going to start playing  T-ball in May.  He's really excited and is Uncle Mike is having fun teaching him the basics.  All in all, we had a wonderful Easter  weekend!!  We enjoyed sharing this special time with our family.  We also enjoyed being able to be back at church and being able to praise our Lord for the wonderful gifts that He has given us!!