A week ago, November 22, Michael and I went to my doctor to find out if we are expecting a little girl or a little boy. After chasing our little peanut around for a while, we found out that we are expecting another beautiful baby girl!! Michael and I couldn't be more excited!! The sonogram technician told us that she is healthy and VERY active. We actually thought that we weren't going to get to find out whether to decorate in pink or blue until our little bundle arrived because they had so much trouble getting a clear look at her. Imagine, Michael and I having an active child. LOL. All of her measurements looked wonderful and there is every indication that she is perfect in every way! Today, I hit the half-way point of my pregnancy. How on earth can that be possible? It just seems like yesterday that Michael and I found out that we were going to be adding to our family. Now, we only have a few more months until our newest bundle arrives!! The girls are so excited about having a baby sister. Rory makes a point to talk to her new sister every single day. Abby thinks it's a little weird to talk to Mommy's tummy, but she gives in every once in a while. As a family, we decided that our new little girl's name will be Madelynne Ranae. It's a name that all of us like... even the girls. So, in a few months, we will be welcoming our little Maddy into our family!!