Friday, January 16, 2009

Fun Times at the Hanna House

For Christmas, Michael's parents bought the girls each a Little Mermaid (Ariel) ride-along car. Abby will get on her car and Rory will push her all over the house. Abby will also push Rory around the house on the little cars. They have so much fun and they can practice their walking at the same time!

Rory and Abby love to play with their Daddy. Their Daddy taught them the other night how fun it is to play with a blanket. The night before, they would fall onto the blanket, roll around and just laugh and laugh. We got so tickled at them. The next night, Daddy started throwing the blanket up over their head and then taking it off really fast. They thought that was too much fun!! All those new toys for Christmas and they prefer a blanket to play with. LOL!!

Nap time is always interesting at our house. Just because Mommy thinks it's time to lay down doesn't always mean that the girls are ready to go straight to sleep. They will laugh, talk to each other, yell at me, yell for "dada," kick the wall... anything to stay awake. What they don't know (that I do) is that the sleepiness is all the while creeping in on them and, usually, about 5-10 minutes after I lay them down they will accidentally fall asleep. Mommies can be very sneaky!!! :)

Monday, January 12, 2009

A Few Fun Pics

Rory can walk so good when she's pushing something. Abby has decided to use her sister's talent for her own good!!
Off they go. Rory loves to push Abby around the house on their Ariel cars!!

Abby's climbing onto her Ariel car so that her sister can take her for a ride

Abby and Daddy playing with her new hat!!

Abby's got this hat thing figured out!!

Daddy gave Abby a hat of his to keep and play with so that she wouldn't wear a sock on her head anymore.

Abby put a sock on her head like her Daddy puts a hat on his head. Then, she wore the sock on her head for about 45 minutes. She wants to be like Daddy!!

Rory playing with her Laugh and Learn house!! She's figured out how everything works now!! What a big girl!!

These are just a few fun pictures taken of the girls around the house. They are getting so big and are so much fun to play with now!!! They are at such a fun age where they are learning new things each day!! Rory now takes off through the house pushing her Ariel car or baby stroller. It's amazing how fast she can go now!! Abby will crawl onto the Ariel car and off the two will go through the house laughing and smiling. It's so fun to watch them play together!! Abby can also walk pretty good behind the car/stroller, and will even take Rory for a ride once in a while. Abby also loves to play with her Daddy's hats. One day, she put a sock on her head and wore it around the house for a while like a hat. When Daddy got home and saw this, he actually gave her one of his Dallas Cowboys hats. She must really rank high on his list for him to part with one of his Cowboys hats!! LOL!! Abby now carries the hat around like a trophy!! Too cute!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

11 months

Today the girls turned 11 months old. I'm overjoyed at how far they have come this year and sad at the fact that they are not little babies anymore. This last weekend, our good friends, John and Jennifer, brought their two sons over to visit. I held their 5 month old little boy and he snuggled down with me to cuddle. I miss that. Our girls are constantly on the move (which is good), but oh I do miss the tiny baby cuddles. They do still like to cuddle when they are getting ready for bed, and I cherish those times!! We took the girls to the doctor today for their monthly RSV shot. Rory now weighs 20 lbs. 3.2 oz. Abby is now 16 lbs. 9.6 oz. What big girls!! The doctor thinks that Abby is just going to be a petite child... and that's ok!! Both girls took their first steps over Christmas break. They are still unsteady and only take a couple of steps before they grab for something to hold onto, but they are definitely making progress. Each can take a couple of steps at a time. I fear that one day they will simply take off running (probably in opposite directions)..LOL. Both girls are also talking more and more each day. It amazes Michael and I some of the words that they have picked up!! We are more closely monitoring what is on the TV for fear that they might pick up words that we don't want them to know. They are also starting to really communicate their emotions more and more. Of course, they will laugh out loud whenever something is funny (even Abby). They can also let everyone within a 500 mile radius know when they are upset about something. The other day, Rory hit her sister in the side of the head. Michael said, "Aurora, don't hit your sister." She turned around, and I'm not kidding, pointed her finger at him and said, "NO." Oh mylanta... here we go!! When I told my mom about this little act of defiance, she just laughed and told me that she remembered a little girl who started that very same thing very early (she must have been talking about my sister) :). I have started working on planning our very first birthday party. What a chore!!!! We are working on trying to get the girls to say "one" and hold up one finger. They are close!!! That one year mark is getting close and I just can't believe it!! Our little girls are getting so big!!