Yesterday, August 5, the girls turned 6 months old. Can you believe that they are already that old? We sure can't. They had their 6 month well-check visit today with their doctor. Rory is now 16 lbs. and is 26 1/2 inches long. Abby is 13 lbs. 9.6 oz. and is 26 inches long. We were so surprised that the girls are only 1/2 inch apart in length. The doctor told us that they must have hit a major growth spurt some time in the last couple of months. They are going to be tall like their daddy!! Abby is having some more trouble with her asthma. She has been coughing again ever since the doctor took her off of her twice-daily breathing treatments. The doctor has put her back on the treatments through the winter time and will check on her asthma again after she is a year old to see if she still needs them. The doctor also told us that they can explore new foods and drink. They are able to try juice now. They can also start trying the stage 2 foods once they finish trying all of the fruits and veggies on the stage 1 foods. How exciting!! Overall, she was very pleased with their progress and said that both are growing and developing perfectly!! I guess we're doing something right!!
Both girls are sitting up on their own now. It's funny to watch them. They will sit for a little while and then decide that they want to lay on the floor again. Instead of carefully getting to the floor, they will just do a nose dive forward. They don't seem to mind going nose first into the carpet. Good thing we have soft carpet!! Both girls can roll both ways, which makes it very interesting to keep up with both of them at the same time. At times, they head in different directions and I have discovered that I can only go after one baby at a time... no matter how hard I try. Rory has discovered that she can roll over and over without stopping. She can go from one end of our living room to the other in no time flat. She loves to explore and get into everything!! Both girls are very opinionated and don't mind sharing their opinions with everyone within hearing distance. They babble and "talk" to each other and everyone around them all the time. It's so fun to try to figure out what they are saying. Rory calls everything "da" all the time. I guess we know what her first word is probably going to be. Abby loves to buzz her lips (thanks to her daddy). She enjoys doing it most during food time. We have ended up with various foods all over us and the floor several times. They have had a tough time with daddy going back to work this week. We all got a little spoiled this summer spending time at home together. The girls get so excited when he gets home in the afternoon. They are both daddy's girls!! It's so exciting to watch them grow and develop into separate little people. We are having the time of our lives!!
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