Rory has some problems getting awake in the morning. She fell back asleep in Mommy and Daddy's bed. I think she must be related to her Mommy!! :)
"Is is nap time yet?"
Rory and Abby turned 9 months old today!! Where has the time gone? It seems like only yesterday that we were preparing for their arrival and then bringing our two tiny blessings home from the hospital. They are anything but little now. They are both growing and doing so much. I tear up (out of pride and wondering where the months have gone) every time I think about how big they are getting. We went to their 9 month check-up today and got a completely clean bill of health for both girls. Thank You Lord!! Aurora now weighs 19 lbs. 4.6 oz and is 27 3/4 inches tall. She is going to be a tall girl... there's just no way to get around that fact. The doctor laughed when she said that most babies slow down on gaining weight and height after 6 months, but Rory is charging ahead on both (which is such a good thing)! Abigail now weighs 15 lbs. 9.6 oz and is 26 1/4 inches tall. Another tall little girl!! I think that I'm going to end up being the short one in the family!! Both girls definitely got their height from their Daddy. Developmentally, both girls are way ahead of the game. Their doctor was so shocked when she found out everything that they are already doing. Both are talking pretty plainly. Rory can say 8 different words... "mama," "dada," "bye-bye," "hi," "papa," "bubba," "uh-oh," and "hey." Abby can say 5 different words... "mama," "dada," "bye-bye," "uh-oh" and "hey." They are both clapping and playing patty-cake. They are both pulling up on EVERYTHING and walk along holding onto things. Rory waves "bye-bye" to everyone. They are feeding themselves solid foods. They can drink from a sippy cup. Abby loves to dance while she is standing up. She will shake her little baby-booty anytime any music comes on. It just amazes Michael and I all the new things that they are learning and doing. Their doctor did say that she wants us to start giving Abby more calories each day to try and get some more weight on her. She's not concerned that she's too small at this point, but she would like to see her gain some weight. So, she cleared the girls to both start having some dairy products. They tried cheese for the first time today and were both a little leery of the new substance. It was funny!! Overall, we had a wonderful check-up!! The girls' next visit will be for their 1 yr. check-up. Oh mylanta!! I just can't believe how big they are getting!!
I enjoy your blog so much! They make those little dresses look adorable!! They really are growing up so quickly!
Oh my goodness! They just look so big!! It does fly by...the journey is just amazing!
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