"It's my party and I'll sleep if I want to" ~Rory
Abby in her pretty outfit for her birthday!!
Michael and I can hardly believe that our precious little angels are 1 year old now. What a year it has been!!!! We could have never imagined how our lives would change forever and be so fulfilled once we became parents. We live to see our girls smile and love to hear their precious laughs!!! Today, we had a huge birthday party for Abby and Rory. It was so much fun!!! We had friends and family from all over come in for the girls' party. The girls had so much fun seeing everyone all at one time. We decided to have a cupcake party for their first birthday. Everything turned out really nice (thanks, of course, to some help from mom and Shandra). Everyone seemed to have a really good time!! And, to make the day even more special, Michael and I found out that we will be having a new niece or nephew by September/October!!!! We couldn't be more excited for Jackson and Ingrid and we can't wait for their new little bundle of joy!!!!!
The girls have come so far in the last year. They have come from two little bitty babies who could hardly do anything to two independent little toddlers who are walking and talking. It amazes everyone, even their doctor, at how much they are doing. Both girls are walking pretty well all by themselves now. They are both talking more and more each day. Rory is even saying things like "Zat" (What's that), "Zit" (Who is it), "bye-bye" and "hello." She also puts words together now like: "bye-bye dada" and "no night-night." It's just so amazing to watch them learn and grow each day!! We look forward to all the exciting adventures that having two one-year old toddlers promises to bring!!!!
First birthdays are so much fun! I'm glad that theirs was a good time. We got Natalie a little couch like that one for her first birthday, and she has used it EVERY DAY for over a year and a half now! Gabbie likes it too. For sure, the best most used item we have! The girls will love it for a long time.
WOW! What a year!! And what beautiful girls they are!! I wish we could have been at their party - it looked like a lot of fun!!
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