(Abby really got into the egg hunt)

We had such a wonderful Easter this year. Last year, the girls were only 2 months old on Easter and weren't really interested in everything that was going on (though they were adorable in their little dresses all the same!). This year, however, the girls were so excited about everything that was going on, even if they didn't totally understand everything. We spent the Saturday before Easter with Michael's family. It was so good to get a chance to see Greg, Apryl, Chesley, Stella, Jackson, Ingrid, Richard and Sue!! We had a really good time getting a chance to talk and catch up with everyone! On Easter Sunday morning, we went to church for the Easter service. The girls were an absolute hit in their beautiful Easter dresses and bonnets to match!! After church, we made the rounds to let our family see them in their pretty dresses. Rory kept saying "oh pitty (pretty) mama" and "pitty sister." It was too adorable!! After we got a chance to change out of our Easter Sunday clothes, we had Easter with my family. We had a nice Easter egg hunt for Braxton, Abby and Rory. Braxton was so excited to find all the "hard" eggs that his mama and Papa had hidden for him. Michael and I helped the girls find the eggs that were easier to find. We were really shocked when Abby found two of the hardest to find eggs all by herself!! She wasn't entirely sure how to get to them, but she was not going anywhere until they were in her basket!! Afterward, all three kiddos had a good time playing with their new goodies. Abby made a point to take a bite out of everyone's chocolate bunny (without their permission). I guess she really is a girl after my own heart!! :) All in all, we had an excellent Easter. It was so much fun to see the girls get a chance to participate this year and see how excited they got about everything!!
1 comment:
SO CUTE!!!!! Oh my goodness they are just adorable! I am so glad you all had a wonderful Easter!
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