18 months
18 months

We can't believe that our angels are 1 1/2 yrs. Not possible!! Rory now weighs 24.4 lbs. and is 33 in. tall. The doctor said that she is perfectly proportioned and going to probably be a tall girl. She is way ahead of the game on her vocabulary and physical develpment. Abby now weighs 19 lbs. and is 31 in. tall. Her tubes look to be doing great!! She is also ahead of the game on her vocabulary (you can't believe how much she has started saying since she had the tubes put in her ears) and is doing awesome with her physical develpment.
Both girls are doing so much and changing so much every single day that there is no way that I could write about everything. Both girls talk so much and so plain that some people can't believe that they are only 18 months. We get so tickled at Rory who will just start babbling all of the sudden (with a few words thrown in) just like she is really giving someone a chewing out. Both girls can pretty much tell us what they want and when they want it. They talk in phrases now. They will say things like "who there?" or "I want that." They pick up so many words each day that it is amazing!! Their pediatrician was amazed at their vocabulary when we went in for their 18 month check-up. She told us that they should not be talking like they are quite yet and that she is amazed by them every time that we come in to see her. Both girls run constantly and love to climb on EVERYTHING!! We call Abby our little spider monkey because that child can climb on things that she just shouldn't be able to climb on. Both girls are very oppinionated (wonder where they get that from). They both LOVE books. Oh mylanta!! They are constantly bringing books to us to read and can even tell us what some of the pages say from repetition. It's too funny!! Their favorite book (which we have all probably read 100 million times) is "Daddy Hugs." It tells all the different kinds of hugs that daddies give to their babies while also teaching counting. Rory loves to count as we turn the page and act out the type of hug on that page. It's too adorable!! Both girls can show us where their eyes, nose, mouth, ears and belly buttons are. They can also show each one of those places on other people and animals (we have practiced on their Great-Grandparents' puppy, Liddy). Both girls are fascinated with belly buttons right now. They call them "buttons." They love to explore everyone's belly button. They know animal sounds for puppies, kitties, ducks, birds, horses, lions, frogs and probably some other animals that I am forgetting. They absolutely love their "pishes" (fish) and tell us all about what the fish are up to every day. It's so much fun to watch!! Abby even named their red beta "bubbles." Every time she sees him, she points to him and says "bubbles!" Both girls know their letter sounds through the letter "g," which I think is a pretty amazing accomplishment (I may be bias). They can both count to 3 without any assistance at all!! Both of them can sing "This Little Light of Mine" and "Deep and Wide" while doing the motions. I could just go on and on about all of the fun things and new discoveries that we have each day at our house. It is so amazing to watch the girls learn and grow each day!! Michael and I are blessed beyond measure to have such amazing children and thank the Lord every day for the blessings that He has given to our family.
1 comment:
You do such a good job with your posts!! I love seeing the new pics and reading about your sweet little girls!! Thanks for letting us know what's going on in your lives through your blog!!
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