Scarecrow Abby
Goin' on a hayride!! Abby wasn't really sure about this idea... LOL
The Pumpkin Patch
Abby all bundled up because the wind got a little chilly
Daddy and his girls in front of the corn maze. Look at the face Abby gave me when I told her to smile big. She cracks me up!!
The girls headed into the maze
Rory holding on to her sister's hand and running through the maze. They didn't really wait for adult supervision.
Abby in the corn maze
"I want to go this way" ~Rory
"But, I think we should go this way" ~Abby
(They really did stop and discuss which way to go. They are too smart!!)
Daddy and the girls leading us through the maze
Abby and Mimi Sue picking out pumpkins
Rory leading Daddy and Grandad through the pumpkin patch
Abby showing Grandad around
Daddy and Rory picking out the perfect pumpkin
They found the best pumpkin in the patch!!
Daddy and his girls in front of the hayride tractor
Sweet Abby in the pumpkins
Pumpkin Twins
Rory looooooved jumping in the pumpkin jumper
"Bounce... Fun!!!!" ~Rory
This last Saturday, we took the girls to the pumpkin patch to have a fun-filled morning. Grandad and Mimi Sue (Michael's parents) went with us. We all had such a wonderful time!! The girls got to go on their first hayride. Rory loved taking it all in (while holding on to mom and dad, of course), but Abby wasn't too sure about the whole thing. Both girls loved visiting Bunnyville. There was an area set up like a little village, but it was filled with bunnies. At one point, the handler even took one of the bunnies out and let the girls pet it. Both squealed and laughed!! It was too funny!! The hayride dropped us off at the pumpkin patch and corn maze. Both girls, especially Abby, loved the corn maze!! As soon as we entered the maze, off they went. It took all four adults to keep up with where the two of them were headed. At one point, both girls stopped because Rory wanted to take one path and Abby wanted to take the other. They discussed which way they wanted to go, picked a path and off they went. After we finished the maze, we headed to the pumpkin patch. The girls had so much fun running from pumpkin to pumpkin. After examining most of the pumpkins in the patch, they each picked out their perfect pumpkins. When we had all our treasures, we took another hayride back to the front area. There was a huge pumpkin bouncer. Abby was not a huge fan of the bouncer. She likes her feet on solid ground. Rory, however, looooved bouncing and jumping with Daddy in the bouncer!!! She squealed and screamed "bounce.... fun!!" We had to pull her away from it when we were ready to leave. She does love to jump and bounce!! All in all, we had such a wonderful time at the pumpkin patch!! When we got home, we put our pumpkins on our front porch with our other Halloween decorations. The girls go to the front door every morning to check the "pompins" (pumpkins) and make sure they are alright and still there. We are so glad that Grandad and Mimi Sue got a chance to share this wonderful experince with us!! We love making wonderful memories with our beautiful little girls!!
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