Our Little explorers

Jon-Jon wanted his picture made with the girls. He's too cute!!

Rory and Jon-Jon of to explore the zoo hand-in-hand

Looking for turtles

This was a weird looking crocodile

Abby, Jon-Jon and Rory exploring the turtle tank

Rory (you can't really see her), Jon-Jon and Mike making a keepsake penny

A Komodo Dragon

Rory is not really sure she trusts the glass between her and the Komodo Dragon. I don't really blame her. :)

Rory would have really liked to take one of the penguins home with us

Jakie checking out the penguins

Rory and Jon-Jon seeing how deep a penguin can dive. Talk about teamwork... LOL

Jenny isn't much taller than an emperor penguin. LOL

Abby was adamant that she have her picture made with this cow statue. I don't know why, but here it is. Silly Abby!!


This was Abby's favorite exhibit. She really wanted to pet the elephants.


Rory's favorite exhibit was the giraffes. She looooves giraffes!!

Abby making a keepsake penny with her Daddy

Abby enjoyed watching the turtles. We had to visit this exhibit twice.
After we left Arkansas, we drove to Arlington, TX where we met up with our friends, John and Jennifer Merriss, and their two boys, Jonathan and Jacob. We had a weekend of fun with the Merriss group. Saturday morning, we loaded up the kiddos and headed to the Ft. Worth Zoo. It was so much fun to see the kids enjoy looking at all the different animals. Jacob Merriss seemed to really like the penguins. There was a little penguin that came up to the glass wall right next to Jacob. He thought that was really cool! Jonathan seemed to really like the reptile house. He was so cute trying to show the snakes to Rory, who really didn't want to get too close to the cases (she's definitely my girl..LOL). Abby loved the elephants and the turtles. She really didn't think that is was very nice that we wouldn't let her go pet the elephants. Rory loooooved the giraffes. She has always be a giraffe fan, but now that she's seen one in person, she's hooked for life. When we took the girls to the gift shop to pick out a souvenir, Abby picked out a bright pink elephant and Rory picked out a neon pink giraffe. LOL. They are all girl. :) The day was hot and the kids started to get tired as we got close to the end of the day, but it was still a fun trip... meltdowns and all.
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