Rory and Abby breaking in the new hotel bed the first night we were in Plano. No, they are not allowed to jump on the bed, but they were having so much fun and they had been bouncing off the walls in the hotel rooms, so we let them have at it.

The pajamas that Rory is wearing are some that Shandra had when she was little. These are Rory's new favorite pajamas. She calls them her pretty princess jammies.

I don't volunteer to sleep with Abby because she takes her half of the bed right out of the middle. She does like her space when she sleeps. You wouldn't think such a small girl could take up so much of a bed. LOL
We took a trip to Arkansas/the Dallas area over the past two weeks. We were able to see family members that we haven't seen in a long time and to have some fun with our family and friends. The reason for the stop in the Dallas area, though, was to take Abby to Children's Medical Center to have more tests run. So far, we haven't gotten any of the results from those tests, but we are thankful that they are done and all we have to do now is wait. We had such a nice time visiting with our family and having fun. Even though we had a more serious purpose for our trip, our friends and family helped us turn it into a nice vacation that we were all able to enjoy a great deal!!! All I can say to everyone is "thank you more than you know."
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